Dr. Jim Reynolds – Birds as Bio Indicators A fascinating talk was given on 26th April by Pershore resident Dr. Jim Reynolds a lecturer in Ornithology and Animal Conservation at Birmingham University.He showed slides of his many visits to Ascension Island together with descriptions of what is being learnt thereContinue Reading

Pershore Wellbeing Hub – March 2022 At the recent AGM held in St. Andrews Hall on 4th March, an informative talk was given by Elizabeth Scott on the formation of the Pershore Wellbeing Hub currently situated at No.4 High Street. The intention is to refer people who visit the hubContinue Reading

Deborah Overton – ‘2 Abbots, 4 Manors & 2 Parishes’ A fascinating talk was given by Deborah Overton who for 28 years was a landscape archaeologist with Worcestershire Archaeology Service. She looked at the development of Pershore as a settlement from the Iron Age onwards with a focus on theContinue Reading

Visit: Kevin O’Neil’s Organic Orchard – October 2021 Walcot Nursery, Walcot Lane, Drakes BroughtonWednesday 6 October 2021 A keen group of Civic Society members thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Walcot Nursery on a warm, windless October evening. Kevin’s business took shape 20 years ago when he first purchased a nearbyContinue Reading

Visit to Cotswold Churches with Tim Bridges – September 2021 There was an air of excited anticipation as members of the Civic Society set off towards Gloucestershire on a bright and sunny Autumn morning. This was our first outing for nearly two years – Covid 19 having caused postponement ofContinue Reading

Visit: Malvern – July 2021 On Wednesday July 21st members of Pershore Civic made their visit to Malvern, some two years after our invitation from the Malvern Civic Society, the visit having had to be postponed due to the pandemic. We were welcomed by Malvern’s Chairman Andrew Huntley and afterContinue Reading

Talk: Keith Goddard – Avon Boating via Zoom – April 2021 Keith Goddard presented a fascinating selection of photos of life on the River Avon during the last century including a picture of the original Watergate which was demolished during the 1950s in order to facilitate better navigation of theContinue Reading

Talk: Chris Bristow – Otto Edouard Leopold von Bismarck via Zoom – February 2021 Pershore Civic Society met together via Zoom on the evening of 2nd February 2021 to receive an informative and highly entertaining presentation from Chris Bristow, Civic Society Treasurer on the topic of “Otto Edouard Leopold von BismarckContinue Reading