About Us
We are a group of people who care about our local heritage and environment. Membership is open to all who are interested in Pershore and who support the aims of the Society.
We are an independent non political organization whose activities include encouraging good standards in new building and preserving important existing buildings. We have an executive committee who meet bi-monthly
What We Do
One of its most important functions is to encourage the work of the Planning Committee which meets monthly and comments on current applications and is involved in regular discussions with the local Planning Authority.
We support and sponsor other groups especially encouraging local schools with a civic prize for educational projects .
We also co-ordinate Pershore Heritage Open Days to promote our heritage and welcome visitors from far afield.
The Civic Society sponsors the beautiful hanging baskets that can be seen at the four entrances of Pershore.
We are not about ‘all work and no play’ and have a broad range of speakers and visits to places of historic and architectural interest.
Our Aims
The Pershore Civic Society aspires to:-
- Represent the interests of residents.
- Preserve our heritage and encourage high standards of Town Planning
- Be aware of the need to grow and develop in a sympathetic way
- Encourage a greater awareness of local history in all age groups
- Promote civic pride