‘Pershore Abbey’s New Organ’- February 2023
A fascinating talk was given by David Long representing the Organ committee of Pershore Abbey giving a brief history of the Abbey Church founded in 972 when King Edgar granted a Royal Charter to the Abbot and monks. However, it wasn’t until the early 14th century that the present stone building began to take shape, apart from the early Norman and Saxon work.
The earliest recorded installation of an organ is 1825/6. In 1871 the parishioners looked at providing an instrument capable of increasing the musical scope of an organ and various updates followed until 2015 when it was agreed that the best place for the location of the new organ pipes would be the northwest end of the triforium with blowers and operating equipment located in the north aisle roof void.
After going out to tender, in 2017 the firm of Fratelly Ruffatti of Padua was chosen.
A “Pipe Dreams Appeal” was launched enabling members of the congregation to donate together with the wider community who could adopt a pipe. This raised £71,000 against a total cost of about £850,000 to include the enabling work required to prepare the Abbey for the installation. Financial support was also provided by the Friends of Pershore Abbey. The promise of the necessary funds to purchase the organ enabled the signing of the contract with Ruffatti by the Rev (now Canon) Claire Lording on 10th October 2019.
Scaffolding has been erected throughout the Abbey and the organ was finally delivered last Monday (6th Feb).