Morton Hall – July 2024 On Thursday 18th July which was a beautiful summers day, a visit was made by 19 members of the Pershore Civic Society to Morton Hall Gardens and were given a fascinating introduction to thegardens by Mrs. Oliviera. Morton Hall is her home and she hasContinue Reading

Madresfield Court – June 2024 On 11th June 15 members of the Civic Society visited Madresfield Court set in extensive parkland with splendid views of the Malvern Hills. The house has never been bought or sold since records began; being first recorded in the early 12th century and passed downContinue Reading

Worcestershire Royal Hospital Medical Museum and Infirmary Museum – May 2024 On the 8th May 19 members of the Civic Society visited two Worcester Museums linked to historical developments and the transformation in medicine and healthcare in earlier times. The first visit was to The George Marshal Medical Museum atContinue Reading

Moats, Mills and Fish Ponds – Deborah Overton “Local historian and archaeologist Deborah Overton spoke at a well-attended meeting at St Andrews on Tuesday 6th February 2024. Everyone was congratulated for braving the driving rain! Water was very much a topic of conversation from that point onwards.Deborah’s talk on Mills,Continue Reading

Pershore Georgian Christmas Fayre 2023 Friday 24th November 2023 was the date selected for the Pershore Christmas Lights Switch-On. Father Christmas and one of his elves got the party going. The Pershore Abbey Choir provided a musical lead for Christmas carols before the button was pressed. Pershore’s streets then becameContinue Reading

How to Read a Church by Leigh-Anne Beattie – Oct 2023 An exploration of the collection of the Churches Conservation Trust In this fascinating talk Leigh-Anne Beattie discussed the background of the CCT and its work, and use examples from its collection to demonstrate how to ‘read’ a church.   TheContinue Reading