Visit Morton Hall

Morton Hall – July 2024

On Thursday 18th July which was a beautiful summers day, a visit was made by 19 members of the Pershore Civic Society to Morton Hall Gardens and were given a fascinating introduction to the
gardens by Mrs. Oliviera.

Morton Hall is her home and she has been the inspiration behind the development of the amazing and beautiful gardens which enjoy a dramatic position atop a steep escarpment. Garden and park combine historic and new features and provide a backdrop for a vast plant collection. The seven acres of gardens and park were designed by landscape architect Charles Cheshire as a circular journey through distinct “garden rooms”.

We were taken by Mrs Oliviera on a stroll through the individual garden rooms. We were told that in the spring magnificent bulb meadows and woodland gardens take centre stage, as well as amazing tulip displays in herbaceous borders. On this visit the focus was on the more formal gardens with their intricate blend of perennial and annual planting in elegant colour schemes. The tour concluded on the west side of the house with its spectacular views, framed by a Mediterranean style garden.

After touring the gardens we enjoyed a splendid afternoon tea in the Orangery with homemade scones, cream and delicious raspberry and strawberry jam!

As keen gardeners we were enthralled by Mrs Oliviera’s marvellous achievements and as we were leaving murmurings could be heard of a return visit!