9th July 2016
This was the first time a WestMASA (West Midland Amenity Societies Association) meeting has been held in Pershore and to which Pershore Civic Society members were invited. Representatives were present from as far afield as: Sutton Coldfield, Bewdley, Atherstone, Malvern, Droitwch and Harbury.
Our Chairman Judy Dale welcomed all visitors and following the official meeting a presentation was given by Keith Goddard on the history of the formation of Pershore’s Number 8 Theatre and Arts Centre. This was followed by a members discussion covering possible updating of listed buildings both internal and external, together with the national compilation of war memorials.
After lunch in the White Horse Judy Dale had organized a guided tour around Pershore Abbey and for those fit enough, a trip up the tower. Two of the WestMASA visitors Jacob Rock and Louisa Davidson were given a whistlestop tour of the town and invited to return for a more relaxed trip sometime in the future.