PCS Strategic Vision 2021

Chairman’s Letter: PCS Strategic Vision 2021

Having promised a Strategic Vision for this year, I think that I would like to extend the time horizon into 3 categories focussing on the near term (this year), medium(2-3 years) and long term (5 years). Please regard this vision as more of a discussion paper – hopefully a paper that will stimulate thought and interest and enable us to forge, as a committee a proper strategy for the next few years.

1. Near Term Talks – Our traditional speaker events must continue as they provide the glue that keeps Pershore Civic Society alive and vibrant. Topics and speakers must be carefully assessed and should be relevant to the aims of the Civic Society Visits – Similarly, our visits to places of interest must continue. Again, they provide the interest and purpose that lies at the heart of the Civic Society. Locations should continue to be carefully chosen – relevant to the aims of the Civic Society and sufficiently attractive to generate an acceptable level of interest within the Civic Society Connections – Our connections with Civic Voice and CPRE give us an insight into the activities and methods by which other Civic Societies function. We should seek to burnish our connections with neighbouring Civic Societies (Worcester, Evesham, Malvern, Bewdley) through visits and exchange of ideas, speakers and (possibly) mutual events Town Planning – As a consultee on all proposed planning applications in Pershore the Civic Society has long been able to consider and comment upon all planning applications affecting the Town. In certain circumstances we should continue to stimulate community action/involvement and, from time to time, engage professionals to help make our case.

2. Medium Term In support of our near term aims we should review the profile that the Civic Society enjoys in the town. Whilst our website and publications do good service, we might also wish to consider forays into the world of Social Media. We may also wish to consider commissioning new publications, short film clips, collaborating with other organisations in Pershore to capture audio and visual archive material to be accessed online or through the Library Service. Some of these activities may attract grant funding and we should be alive to these opportunities in order to serve Pershore better in the future.

3. Long Term Consideration has been given to formalising the Pershore Civic Society by registering as a Charity. The long terms benefits and associated additional administration will need to be considered carefully. Currently there may be little advantage, but it will be worthwhile keeping this matter under consideration as time goes by.

Michael Hodges