“An Archdeacon’s Tale” – stories from Lichfield Cathedral – Chris Liley

“An Archdeacon’s Tale” – stories from Lichfield Cathedral – Chris Liley

Our member Chris Liley (or more properly the Venerable Christopher Frank Liley formerly of Lichfield Cathedral) gave an excellent talk to the Pershore Civic Society who packed the St Andrews Parish Centre on Tuesday 29th October 2024. His upbringing in Stoke on Trent, his service overseas as a teacher with VSO in the Solomon Islands – ultimately leading to parish priesthood and ending at Lichfield cathedral as Archdeacon; gave a glimpse of Chris’ convictions. Retirement to Pershore has not brought a full stop to Chris’s service as he is an active member of Pershore Abbey’s community and until recently undertook to visit and care for retired clergy in the Worcester Diocese. Chris is also a member of the Pershore Civic Society Planning sub-Committee – providing a voice of reason in debate.

Chris spoke carefully and with vision, passion and warmth. He revealed in detail the structures that have emerged over the centuries to govern the Church of England. These can appear opaque to the outsider – and to many “insiders” too!!
Challenge was in the air by the end of his story when the audience was encouraged to turn to one another to discuss his personal views of the Church of England’s future if it is to remain united and relevant in modern society.
Thought provoking talks are always welcomed by the Pershore Civic Society – and this one was certainly in that category. We are so grateful to Chris for his wisdom and experience.