8th July 2017 Approximately 200 people attended this year’s display of old photos of Pershore in St. Andrews Hall enjoying reminiscing and identifying places, people and dates.Even more photos were enjoyed via the digital expertise of Chris Ludlow who showed not only photos inherited from his parents but many fromContinue Reading

14th June 2017 Twenty-two members met at Toddington Station and were taken on a tour of the loco sheds where we saw examples of the huge equipment used on these mammoth engines and carriages. We also saw Thomas the Tank Engine having been brought from its home in Llangollen forContinue Reading

23rd May 2017 Members were given a tour by Duncan Coombes of Pershore Horticultural College around the various specifically planted gardens and agrotech centre, after which exertion a reviving afternoon tea was gratefully consumed. The visit provided a fascinating insight into modern day horticulture utilising new technology and growing forContinue Reading

The Man and Woman Behind the Music 4th April 2017 As a child, Edward studied the music available to him in his father’s shop, taught himself to play several instruments, and started composing at the age of ten. Later, Edward took over from his father as organist at St George’sContinue Reading

3rd March 2017 Following a well attended AGM, Chris and Karen Cronin gave a fascinating presentation of their efforts in transforming what was once Croom Court’s overgrown kitchen garden, into a lovely example of how it would have originally looked. Rose beds have been planted, derelict greenhouses replaced and everythingContinue Reading

1st November 2016 A fascinating talk was given by Clive Mathews Chief Executive of the Avon Navigation Trust on some of the recent history of the trust and the River Avon.A slide show was given detailing some of the disasters and successes of navigation on the river including the nowContinue Reading

4th October 2016 An enthusiastic group of people arrived to learn more about how troops were sustained with the aid of plum jam during WW1.A visitor from Stratford had called in after seeing the talk advertised in the Heritage Centre and presented a poem written by his 7 year oldContinue Reading